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Professional Home Renovations

by Joplin Venetian Blind
house with large enclosed sunroom leading out to back patio

Renovate Your Home with Joplin Venetian Blind

Since 1939, Joplin Venetian Blind has been proudly providing the four-state area with professional craftsmanship, quality products, and affordable home renovations. We offer products and installations of a wide variety of home improvements such as windows, doors, vinyl siding, awnings, patio covers, and even motorized screen doors and solar shades. Bring out your home’s beauty and achieve the dream house you’ve always wanted. Whether you’re installing new blinds or adding on a full sunroom, our staff is happy to help you every step of the way. Start by sitting down with our sales and design associates to figure out exactly what you want. Our construction and installation team is comprised of certified professionals who work quickly and efficiently while respecting your property.

large windows for enclosed sunroom

Energy-Efficient Improvements with Beautiful Designs

Not only do new renovations and products look gorgeous in your home, but are also energy-efficient. Increase your curb-appeal while saving on energy bills with windows and doors that keep your home’s temperature regulated. Your house loses a considerable amount of heat during the winter and cool air during Missouri’s summers through the seals in windows and doors. Install lovely, energy-efficient windows that make the most of your personal style. From custom design work to simple installations, we do it all. Call us today to get started.

house with large enclosed sunroom

Professional Artisan Work at Affordable Prices

Adding on a new sunroom may be more affordable than you thought! Just because you have big dreams for renovating your house doesn’t mean they have to stay dreams. Make your fantasies a reality today with cost-efficient improvements that you’ll love for years to come. We’re happy to provide the four-state area with quality work for less than our competition.

Our Happy Clients are Our Best Advertisers!

See what some of our valued customers have to say about their experience and our work.

What you can expect from JVB, Inc. during our free no obligation estimate.

Customers can expect a prompt and courteous appointment with a knowledgeable expert.  During this visit to their home or business they are shown the options we offer for the service they are seeking.  Samples with color selectors are presented for them to select what works best for them. Measurements are taken to ensure an accurate quote specific to their property.  They can usually expect their quote within a week.  From there we leave it up to the customer to contact us if they would like to proceed so they don’t feel pressured in any way.

Contact Us

1525 S Main St.
Joplin, MO 64804


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Or By Appointment

Joplin Venetian Blinds, 1525 S Main St., Joplin, MO 64804-0751
